I love the AirPod Max headphones so much! They are comfortable and the sound quality is amazing. Here’s a few of my favorite accessories for them.

Case – Both Braun and I have this case and love it. Amazing quality and comes in 3 colors. It’s also leather, so it’ll last ya.
Airfly – This is actually great for any bluetooth headphones and flying. Plug it into the headphone adapter and it will bluetooth to your headphones so you don’t have to use the airplane corded ones, but can still watch the screen!
Headphone Stand – I don’t love my headphones just laying around, but don’t always want them in a case. This stand is great for your nightstand or office!
Clear Case – Keep those bad boys scratch free with this clear case. They work with the charger too!
Shout Wipes – Did you see my reel on how to clean your headphones? These wipes are miracle workers for getting makeup and dirt of the fabric portion.