This month was a TON of random stuff.. Some prep for Hawaii, but mostly lots of auto deliveries, health stuff and an acupuncture mat that I’m way excited and way scared to try.. anyway, I’ll link it all up down below!! If you want the best hack.. order stuff like toilet paper, paper towels, trash bags, bottled drinks, etc on subscribe and save and you’ll get a discount on things you’ll need every single month anyway.

- Hand Wash and Lotion – we ended up buying the wash first and loved the scent so much we ordered the lotion the day we tried it! Plus the bottle is cute.
- Alcohol Prep Pads – If you’re a Red Aspen fan.. these are the best way to clean your nail beds before you apply dashes.
- Wart Stick – well.. pretty self explanatory – it’s for warts!
- Nail Clippers – This brand is the best, you can’t change my mind! Haha. It seems so lame, but they’re awesome.
- Acupuncture Mat – This hurts soooo good.. It’s the ultimate back stretcher + promotes blood flow! I bet you’ve seen the flat ones all over the internet lately.. this was the shape that was recommended to me.
- Blue Light Blockers – you can get these in cheaters, too! They’re so cute.
- Neck and Shoulder Relaxer – you guys know I’ve been struggling lately.. this was another thing that was recommended for me to try!! You lay your neck back over it.. It’s an instant relief.
- Mini Habits Book – a new book Braun read!
- Aloha Day Tripper Tote – I usually don’t bring anything except a mesh tote to the beach but I bought this on a whim before Hawaii. It’s splash proof and I kept it zipped + no sand got in there at all! It was great.
- Mesh Beach Bag – also grabbed a new one of these.. I’ve had this bag for years and still love it! The sand falls right through it.
- Tissue Paper – haha, very basic. I had some presents to put together.
- CeraVe Lotion – this is super gentle if you have sensitive skin
- Tile Stickers – never loose it!! This is bluetooth and helps keep track of whatever you stick it on. If you lose your phone you can also ping it from the tile sticker by double clicking it.
- Bag Balm Set – the absolute best for dry/cracked hands, elbows, knees.. also works on dog paws. If you have a Pennie, don’t let her eat it.

- Hawaii Magic Sand – from amazon. Remember when I bought “souvenirs”? best hack is to buy them on amazon so you don’t have to mess with traveling or remembering.. plus it’s usually way cheaper.
- Magnets – these go with the magic sand I got for the boys. it makes the powder stick to it!
- 150 fidget toys – to stuff eggs / have at the easter party!
- Stacking Cups – the boys are obsessed.. Dash saved up all on his own to buy these.
- Glow Stick Eggs – night time egg hunt!?!? I think the kids will have so much fun with this.
- Magnetic Iron Powder – this is what the magnets are for! The boys had fun with this.
- Sudoku – you know you might be getting old when you have to order the large print… haha. this is one of my favorite plane things to do.
- Dino Hand Puppet – ummm… I don’t really have an answer for why this was ordered. All I can picture is the boys teasing Pennie with it.
- Nerf Football – my boys play with this thing for HOURS on end.

- Pamela’s Baking Mix – the BEST gluten free baking mix. I share this often.
- Rubber Gloves – I actually really love these! I’ve bought a few pairs now. They actually fit my hands and don’t look awful.
- Trash Bags – it’s worth it to put things you will need every single month on auto delivery because you can get up to 20% off on amazon subscribe and save.
- Paper Plates – another auto delivery..
- Core Power – Braun’s fave protein drink. Also on subscribe and save..
- Goldie’s food – this is what’s helped her lose weight!!
- Fiji Water – Braun’s fave water.. subscribe and save item.
- Bar Keeper’s Friend – Is there anything this stuff can’t clean?? I use this all the time when I clean the house.

- Felt Pad Roll – this is really helpful for not scratching surfaces when furniture moves! We put this on the bottom of basically everything that touches our floor..
- Batteries – subscribe and save.. with easter coming up, this was good timing for them to arrive for some new goodies that need them!
- Air Filters – this is our reminder to replace them.. we have these auto delivered every 5 months and we always replace right away when they arrive! It’s been the best hack haha.
- Fancy Grates – this is what Braun installed to replace our old ugly grates! I love them and the look so good.
- Privacy Glass Screen Protectors – way cheaper to buy them on amazon.. I used to go to the mall every single time to get them installed but they’re way easier than I thought and it takes two seconds!
- Soap Dispenser Hose – this was so we could hook up our soap dispenser directly into the big bottle under the sink instead of constantly refilling the little reservoir that comes with it.