I remember the days of trying to find gifts that my kids would be interested in for longer than a day! Hopefully this guide can help you do the same!

- Cleaning Set – Love the stand that it comes with. It’s so cute when toddlers want to “help” clean and this set makes it fun for them.
- Stacking stones – I like that these aren’t your traditional stacking blocks! They are fun shapes and made out of silicone so you don’t have to hear the towers come crumbling down as often.
- Play Kitchen – I swear they did not make play kitchens this cute when my kids were little!
- Basketball Hoop – Dash and Jett LOVEDDDD this when they were younger. Heck, they would still play with it if we had it! The height is adjustable so it can be used for a while.
- Fidget Tubes – These can link together and twist into all sorts of things.
- Balance Bike – We used these with the boys and it was so helpful in gaining confidence for a real bike. I’ve read that some kids even skip training wheels after riding this guy! This one is so cute!
- Bead Board – If your toddler is at the age where they aren’t putting everything in their mouth then this is a fun one! Haha. You can create designs with the various colored beads and they also stack. A great learning tool as well.
- Tubby Todd – If you’re kids already have a lot of toys, give the gift of cleanliness! Haha In all seriousness, we love this stuff, it helps so much with sensitive skin! This link will save you 15%!
- Tonka Dump Truck – This thing is HUGE! Great for outside play or to tote your toddler around in.. Kidding! The bulldozer is a fun one too.
- Play Grocery Store – Hours of entertainment and open play right here! This could be the “big” gift and then add fake foods, apron, etc. as “smaller” gifts. BOOM! Christmas done.
- Shopping Cart – What’s a grocery check stand without a shopping cart? This one has so many great reviews!
- Stair Slide – Endless hours of fun. I like this one compared to traditional slides because it folds up small! So you don’t have a big ole slide in the middle of your living room.
- Doodle Board – The kids and I love these. Great for travel and at a really good price point!
- Connecting Tiles – When I tell you the kids have played with these for HOURS, I mean HOURS! Building with them is so dang fun. Code TARA saves you 15%.
- Magnetic Tiles – These are also so fun to build with! I love that they will last beyond toddler years!
- Carhart Beanie – It is getting cold out and these beanies are so, so warm.. if you’re kid will keep it on their head!
- Quiet Book – I’ve seen these frequently at church, but they would be so good in the car or airplane too!
- Wood Calendar – Okay, this is so cute. The perfect days of the week learning tool! It’s pricey, but something that will last through all of your kids.
- Busy Board – Have you seen these? So cool! It’s a board with a whole bunch of things like shoelaces, zippers, buckles, etc. Great for them to practice those skills on!
- Play-doh – So many colors to choose from, now hopefully they don’t mix them into one grey/ brown mess.
- Pajamas – An essential. All of these are solid prints with tons of colors. Thick set | Thin Set | Ruffle Neck Set
- Goosebumps Blanket – Every person in my house has at least one of these. They are amazing, lightweight, stretchy, and soft! Code TARA saves you!
- 14 oz Stanley – As if Stanley’s couldn’t get any better they make TINY ones! Perfect for your kiddos!
- Ball Pit – This is the perfect gift for those long Winter months. Just don’t be mad when you find the balls EVERYWHERE in your house!
- Kitchen Helper – How many times has your little one wanted to help make dinner or cookies, but you don’t want them sitting on the counter? This keeps them at counter level safely. Genius!