Whether you have a high schooler heading to college, or a college graduate starting a new job, these gifts are sure to wow!

Gift Cards – Amazon gift cards are always a good option, especially if you don’t know what to get someone! Target gift cards are great to, even gift cards for groceries!
Always Pan – The only pan your kid will need, seriously. Has so many functions it’s the perfect all in one kitchen item!
Candle Warmer – Most dorms won’t allow open flames (for good reason) so this candle warmer that has a shut off timer is perfect to get rid of the dorm stench.
Inkless Printer – Okay, I don’t know what kind of sorcery this is, but WHERE WAS THIS WHEN I WAS YOUNG?! No more printing at the library. Compact enough to fit in a bag. Plus, kids don’t have to print stuff nearly as often so if you’re in a pinch this is AWESOME.
Stanley – Does this need an explanation? I will never get off my soap box about these tumblers.
Belt Bag – Most of the kids I know don’t want to lug around a purse, they want something simple and small to through the essentials in. This is the bag for that!
Anker Charging Cord – Let’s be real, your kid probably already has yours so you might as well get them there own! haha These are the ones we use and love.
Jewelry Travel Case – Em and I have these! They’re able to be personalized too!
iPad Mini – My kids have loved this! It’s a great size. Perfect to take notes on, plus a nice addition to a laptop. Grab the apple pencil while your at it!
Kindle – If you have a reader, this is a great gift!
MacBook Air – You can’t do college without a laptop. My philosophy is get the newest edition, that way it lasts through all the college years!
Compact Mirror – Apartments and dorms can be poorly lit, this mirror is perfect for small spaces + getting ready because it has a light built in.
Weighted Heating Pad – I love this thing. It makes you feel so relaxed. If you have someone who gets cold really easily or cramps this is awesome. Code TARA saves you 10%.
Steamer – Nobody has the time or the storage to iron, this steamer has so many good reviews on amazon!
Andar Laptop Case – This is the case that Braun has on his laptop. I love Andar product, the quality it amazing and the leather just gets better and better with time. Code TARA should save ya.
Dagne Dover Backpack – This has quickly become my favorite travel bag because it’s lightweight and stretches if ya need it to.
Car Kit – The last thing you’re gonna want is your kid on the side of the road with nothing to fix their car! This kit has the essentials.

Lola Blankets – Quite literally the softest blanket I’ve had the pleasure of getting my hands on. It’s the best I’ve found and doesn’t shed. Code TARA50 works for 50% and when that ends, TARA45 always works for 45% off!
Airpods – A studying essential. My girls always have their headphones in while they do their work, heck I do to! While your at it grab the Andar case and use code TARA.
Apple Watch – Can you tell I’m an apple loving gal? haha I’ve loved my apple watch over the years. Track workouts, see messages, all the things!
First Aid Kit – This is something that I wouldn’t have thought to grab when getting all the college dorm stuff, but such a need.
Sleep Crown – A holy grail item. Not even kidding it has changed mine and Braun’s life. Super great someone you know if going to have a roommate.
Car Litter Bag – Okay, technically this is for a car (and makes a great gift for that purpose) BUT could work on a desk or bedside!
Speaker – Tiny but mighty is how I would describe this bad boy! All my kids have loved it. Has a clip too!
Birdie Alarm – It’s a scary world out there. Honestly, I’m afraid to send my kids out into the world with everything going on! This alarms is great to alert people if you are in danger or to scare someone off.
Free People Sling – My girls love this sling. A little bigger then the lulu one and less sporty.
Hatch – I have used one of these for years. It’s awesome! The light on it slowly wakes you up, it has an app it connects to that offered so many amazing features.
Air Tag + Case – If you have a kid that looses everything these are a great buy.
Purple Pillow – I think everyone in my family has one of these pillow now. My friend told me that she had the same pillow all growing up and finally got a new one when she went to college. Maybe you know someone in the same boat! haha This one is made from the same stuff their mattresses are made out of so it’s super comfortable.
Toiletry Bag – This is what the girls and I use, it holds SO much. It’s perfect for keeping small spaces clean (or bringing back and forth to showers if necessary). It also has a hook to hang from!
Thread Wallet – My girls love this wallet. Super slim and great if you only carry a few things around.
Lanyard –
Weighted Eye Mask – Really great weigh to relax and block light out.
BRNG Bags – Some dorms don’t have elevators walking those flights of stairs can be rough. These bags are DURABLE and perfect to keep in the car to haul stuff up. I use mine all time! Code TARA gets you 15% off.
Mini Dash – Cheap and great for a quick breakfast!
Luggage Set – Nothing says “I love you” like getting your kid luggage for a gift! haha do you think they’ll get the hint? This set is 50% off right now! Love that it’s three pieces.
Charging Station – This is sleek and super convenient!
Laptop Stand – Because doing homework at a desk all the time can get boring. Sometimes you want a comfy spot like the couch or your bed!
Cord burritos – If you have an avid organizer, these will make there heart soar! Awesome to keep cords from getting all tangled up. Code TARA should save ya.