I’ve been using Red Aspen for nearly a whole year now… isn’t that insane!??!? My nails are still so healthy and I truly love this product so much. It’s $13-15 for a two week manicure, and sometimes you can even get two manicures out of a box. Anisten and I share a box!
Red Aspen has come out with SO many cute nail dashes the past few weeks! This summer’s were amazing buuuut I’m so excited to see what they come out with for fall, too! Here are all of my favorite solids in stock right now.. for patterns see the blog post HERE!
I’ve had Plum Perfect on repeat lately! I’ll be sad when that is out of stock.
I’ll link them HERE. Be sure to grab them, because they aren’t permanent colors. I’m guessing they are going to go quickly unfortunately!