Valentine’s Day Picks

What’s your opinion on Valentine’s Day? Made up holiday or the perfect opportunity to celebrate and show the important people in your life how much you love them?

Valentine’s Day actually has a pretty gory origin! It all came about because of the decapitation of a third-century Christian martyr…possibly two.

We have the British to thank for the love twist and celebration of February mating, and I totally love any reason to show Braun and the kids how much I love them! Plus, Valentine’s Day designs are the best!

From home decor (do you decorate the whole month or just for the first two weeks?) to DIY Valentines to something to wear for any special nocturnal occasion – I rounded up all of my V-day picks and put them below!

Home Decor

What’s the rule with decorating? Is it an all month thing? Just the first two weeks? I have no idea so I go for fun, I-don’t-min-if-this-is-up-all-month decorations. I especially love this Opalhouse table runner and this super cute felt ball garland!

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DIY Valentines

There’s nothing better than a homemade card. I love the coloring, the stamps, the overload of stickers – gimme all the homemade decor as well. Here are some of my favorites to stockpile like these paper heart doilies!

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Kid’s Valentines

There is nothing better than Valentine’s Day in school. I loved making my mailbox, passing out my candies, and checking out my haul. But if making mailbox’s isn’t your thing, and you like the more homemade route, check out these super cute options below!

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My Favorite Candies

Yes, I’m gluten-free so I am responsible for most of the food choices in our home, but nowadays, every kid at school is either gluten, nut, dairy, etc – free, so we stick to the hard candy and gummy family for most of our sweet treats! Braun seriously hasn’t stopped eating these candies since we bought them!

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Valentine’s Gifts

We don’t do a ton of stuff on Valentin’s Day gift-wise but a few fun trinkets are exciting for the kids and they’re basics – chapsticks, zipper pouches, pens – just a few fun things for them to play with! The $1 aisle at the front of Target is PERFECT for this!

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Gift Bags

Half of the excitement is the wrapping or bag for Valentine’s Day because it’s easily the cutest designed holiday – who doesn’t love a good heart? You can skip the boring brown paper sack and send your kids to school with one of these little lunch totes or send a bag of mixed candies in these clear heart-patterned ziplock bags!

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Favorite Children’s Books

I LOVE children’s books. There is nothing I love more than when my kid brings me a book and wants to read it together. These are a few of our favorite books on LOVE and KINDNESS.

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My Clothes Picks + 

99% of these I would wear year-round which is necessary if I’m spending more than $20 on an item. But many of these are under $20 and super cute year round!

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Valentine’s For Significant Other

Yes, you can go the gushy, sappy, love route and I do that as well but I love to give Braun a good laugh and sometimes a card says everything you can’t. The bad puns, the cheesy pick-up lines, the one-liners you would never utter in public – these are the types of cards I love!

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I love this holiday and I hope you do too! I’ll be sending out a homemade candy guide next week for those who love to make their Valentines! And if there’s something I’ve missed or need to try, tell me below!

xx Tara

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