This guy is totally a hero to these kids and we definitely don’t celebrate him enough.
Father’s Day is right around the corner and there’s almost nothing that my kids love better than celebrating their dad and loving on him. Last year we were pretty sneaky and put together a video from the kids. It not only helped us capture the kids at their current ages but also caught some beautiful family moments from the year previous. You can check it out HERE.
The kids were so excited to be keeping a secret about something kind they had done for him and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house when we played it for him.
This year we got sneaky again and I ended up ordering Chatbooks for his gift and I got a book for each kid that has pictures as well as some questions about their dad that we’ll fill in this weekend. I loved this idea this year as it was another way to capture what we did last year (also an updated version) and it’s more accessible to the kids. They can grab a book and remember their funny answers and look at all of our fun family photos. If you want to do this you can click HERE, download the app, and use code ‘tarathueson25’ for 25% off your order!
Aside from the books, we also have a few other gifts we’ve been sneaky about that I’m sure Braun is gonna love.
Braun’s gift list was such a HIT from last year that I asked him again to put together a list of past and future gifts that he loves/would love to get and I’ve linked them all below! There are 2-3 repeats because THEY ARE THAT GOOD and shouldn’t be missed, but most of them are new!
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Along with one of these gifts, I highly recommend you write your husband or dad a sweet note. Have the kids write him one too. Gifts are great but really letting him know how much you love and appreciate all that he does for you and your family, well it doesn’t get much better than that in my opinion. Gifts from the heart can’t be topped!
And I hope all of the important men in your life have an awesome Father’s Day! Hopefully, the list below will help you come up with some awesome gifts!
Xx Tara