WAIT A DANNNNG MINUTE! Remember this amazing sweatshirt that I shared a few weeks ago that I loved so much I did a giveaway for 3 of you guys?! It’s basically a cheaper Varley – but same quality and smaller collar.
There was matching shorts that I somehow missed, and I’m shocked. I always, always check for a complete set! I was so annoyed with myself when I saw them on the site, but also relieved when they had my size. They’re super cute + comfortable. They’re a soft cotton Terry material, and the waist band is a couple inches thick and doesn’t at all hug ya too tight. It’s just a really dang good fit.
These clogs quickly became a fave. I can’t believe I didn’t order these earlier this winter… what the heck Tara! haha. They’re awesome for spring, my toes stay warm!
The best part about allllll these items?! Make a new email at backcountry and use code: TARABC15 and get 15% off your whole order!!