Las Vegas day out! How good is this leopard print? I’m VERY picky when it comes to animal prints and this one passes the test! Loving this tie up top and the sleeve length is perfect for fall. Wearing a size small, comes in lots of colors!

Sooo glad I brought these jeans on my trip! They’ve been so versatile and are real comfy. Wearing my true size. They’ve got a bit of a barrel to them which I love. They’re pricey, but sooo worth it in my opinion.

Shoes are so trendy right now and I’m loving them! They have sequins and have had great arch support for being a flat. I got my true size 8.

My bag is from Clhei, it’s the LANI in cognac. I’ve shared about them for YEARS. Found their stuff at a boutique in Hawaii and have been in love ever since. You can use THIS LINK for 20% off your order. They hold up so well and the quality is unmatched.

As always, my loopy case! They recently dropped new designs and they’re so dang cute. I have had one these on my phone for like 8 years and it’s my saving grace when it comes to my phone not ending up on the floor. Code TARA10 saves you 10% on one case and TARA15 saves you 15% on 2 or more!