Have I proved to you yet how much I adore this razor?? My girls do too.. I feel completely comfortable with them using this razor! You know teens… doing things the quickest way possible. Luckily, with this razor you really don’t even need to use shaving cream or gel because it has a charcoal ring around it to hydrate!
I’m still obsessing over the new Billie Razor color!! It’s soooooooo cute and the matching case is perfect!
I recommend this set to everyone to start with… It’s $9. I don’t have a discount code but it’s a great deal for $9 with free shipping!! It comes with the handle, magic holder + 2 blades… it puts you on auto ship for replacement blades (you get to chose the delivery frequency!)
This shaving cream is silky smooth and does not foam! It leaves your skin hydrated. It’s $8 and we have it delivered every few months.
The Magic Wipes I share about all the time! I leave them by the bed to wipe off makeup when I’m feeling extra lazy but these are always in my car or purse! These are in our monthly delivery.
This Travel Case is a $5 MUST. This thing is so dang handy when we travel! It’s got air holes in it so your charcoal can dry when not in use.
This lotion is also a must, especially if you live here in Utah with the dry weather!
This body wash smells sooo good! It doesn’t dry out your skin at all, even when used every single day.
I’ve never tried the lip salve but based on IG posts I’ve seen, it’s fantastic. It’s made with really great ingredients. Same with this dry shampoo! I should though. I like that you can choose between dark or light hair colors.
If allll of these products interest you – the sets are definitely the best value!! This one has a razor handle, holder, 4 blades, shave cream + lotion… and this one has dry shampoo, wonder wipes + lip salve!