Shopping With Nordstroms

This post is sponsored by Nordstrom.

Where do you shop?

Is it where it’s the least expensive? Are you like Braun and love to go to places where people remember your name?

Or is customer service your thing?

My thing?

It’s rewards. Money back. Cash in my pocket. Perks. A L L the things they make it easier to #treatyoself.

And it’s one of the reasons I shop at Nordstrom.

SLIDES | JEANS | TOP (similar)

I can’t even tell you the first time I shopped at Nordstrom but I can tell you that every time I go there, the experience just gets better and better. I’m a member of the Nordy Club (details HERE) and this makes it even easier (and more rewarding) to shop!

When I published my recent blog post about my workout journey, a lot of you asked where I get my workout gear and a lot of it comes from Nordstroms! I wanted to show you some of the fun Zella items I just picked up:


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I’ve also been loving their shoe selection lately and have linked a few of my favorites that are popping up in repeat outfits!

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CLOGS | DRESS (similar)

SLIDES | JEANS | TOP (similar)



Here are some of their other sandals I ordered for this spring and summer!

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They’ve also got some of my everyday favorites back in stock!



I have 8-9 swimsuits from Nordstrom including the pink one above! I love swimsuits by Becca, Billabong, and a few others they carry!

The other thing I really love to pick up at Nordstrom is Native shoes. Durable, waterproof, great traction, and basically indestructible, these shoes have carried my kids through TONS of summers!

As you can see, my kids wear the crap out of these shoes! They’ve got some gorgeous baby pink, some awesome gender-neutral melon ones, and these black pull-on sneakers perfect for active boys!  They have over a combined 100 color variations/styles so click HERE to check them all out!


I haven’t really done a lot of in-store shopping this year but that’s also one of the reasons I really love Nordstrom. They have the most convenient BOPUS (Buy Online, Pick Up in Store) ever, and I get FREE SHIPPING and no-hassle returns – on EVERYTHING!

If shopping in-store is more your thing, they’ve got a ton of services that you can check out HERE.

I love hitting their seasonal sales (Easter is up next and I’m going to be shopping for pic outfits soon!) and I love their selection. If you haven’t shopped there in a while (or ever 😱) check them out!

xx Tara

P.S. If there’s anything I missed that you wanted links to from my most recent vacation, tell me below!

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