Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Men

Even if you’re not into the manufactured holiday that is Valentine’s Day, it’s always nice to scoop up a little something for your S.O. and kids (if you’ve got ’em). And since time’s kind of ticking away here, I figured I’d help you out before February 14 hits you empty-handed.

Let’s be honest, no two relationships are the same. And that means that your gift is only as good as how well you know your partner!

And before we get too deep, let me just say that Valentine’s Day to me should not be Christmas 2.0. This holiday, more than anything, is about showing your significant other your love.


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According to The Five Love Languages, for some of you, that means giving the biggest and best gift (I’ve totally got you covered). For others, that will mean planning a weekend away, booking a massage, writing a letter, or cleaning out their car.

So instead of giving you a selection of socks and teddy bears, I wanted to give you my “Won’t Return” gift list. I’ve got ideas for the more adventurous gift-givers (or those who know their other half really, really well) as well as those who are newly paired up, and everyone in between.


First on my list this year is definitely Andar! I can’t tell you how many times I have given something from Andar to people as gifts. Everything is so well made and incredibly useful – they aren’t gifts that sit in a drawer or a shelf. It’s kinda cool to watch your gift get pulled out anytime someone grabs for their phone, wallet, or you see it on their wrist.

Braun has also given his team members gifts from Andar at Christmas and for hitting their sales goals. And their goods aren’t just pretty to look at! They are so smartly designed! They’ve got wallets that have a small pull tab to make your credit cards handy. And ones that can hold a passport as well. They have over 15 wallet designs/styles, AirPod cases, laptop cases, cord burritos, and tons of other accessories. Plus, you don’t have to spend a fortune. You can check out their entire selection HERE and make sure you use the code “TARA15” for 15% off your entire order!


But don’t worry, that isn’t all I have in mind for you! Unless your plan is to pull a John Cusack and hold up a radio blasting Peter Gabrielle’s “In Your Eyes” outside your partner’s window or go all Love Actually on your mate and hold up note cards professing your love while “Silent Night” quietly plays in the background, you are in need of some ideas that are going to knock their socks off!

So take a look at this list – I promise, I’ve got a little something for everyone! And make this Valentine’s Day one to remember.

Xx Tara

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