May is finally over! And we made it – all 10 fingers and all 10 toes in tact! One more school year down, one almost-month of Braun being gone, and the rain has hopefully slowed down. If you live here or follow anyone from here, you’re bound to have seen how rainy Utah has been lately! It’s rained like crazy for almost 3 weeks. I’m not a big fan of the rain but our yards are looking real good!
It wouldn’t be a true Thueson family photo if we didn’t have at least two children that are not our own in it. I love that our house is the house that all of our kid’s friends love to come to. It’s fun to see them play together, to know that they’re in a safe space surrounded by good stuff!
This week was the week to beat all weeks in terms of getting stuff done and being so hectic! It kicked off with a Poppy & Dot trip to L.A. and it was a quick one! 36 hours. We needed to meet with our vendors and manufacturers and stock up for summer! Spring/Summer fashion is my favorite to shop for so we made sure it was a good trip. Make sure you keep your eye on everything we have coming in the next few weeks because they’re some of my favorite picks of the year!
Then it was back home for the long-awaited talent show. The girls rocked it and their school went nuts for them. They practiced for weeks and even got up early to practice before school. It was so fun watching them work so hard (they’ve been discussing it and working up the guts to actually perform for 2 years!!) And going out there confident as can be. Made me so proud.
Then a baseball game, a dance recital rehearsal, and a gymnastics performance later, we made it to date night. Chile Tepin is a favorite. Piece of advice (even though you didn’t ask for it): Date your spouse. Spend at least 1 night a week together. I don’t care if it’s to take out the trash. Spend one-on-one time without kids, work, or phones interrupting that time. Catch up, ask how they’re doing, and be reminded why you fell in love in the first place. I promise, this will transform your marriage!
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DRESS | SHOES | LOOPY CASE (use code ‘Tara10’ for 10% off your purchase of 1 or ‘Tara15’ for 15% off 2+)
PENNIE is home!! Seeing her the first time, I was totally shocked. She seemed HUGE. Little did I know it was **mostly** fluff. She’s 6 months and 23 pounds. Super long and skinny so I’m sure she will fill out and be a tank.
I gave her a haircut and had a FULL garbage bag of hair and you can hardly tell! She only weighs 4 more pounds than Goldie and looks like she ate her. Haha – it’s so good to have her back.
And in case you missed it, school is officially out for the summer! My kids may be a bit excited – I dunno, what do you think?
And just in time to help put together this year’s Father’s Day video! If you didn’t catch my stories a few days back, I talked about the gift we gave Braun last year that didn’t leave a dry eye in the house. I gathered the kids around Braun and we showed him this very special video we put together. This is definitely one of my favorite things we’ve ever done for Braun and I’m so excited to share it with you here:
Tara Fathers day film from Haizel Creations on Vimeo
Brittney Hanvey @brittneyhanvey came to our house for an afternoon and put together this awesome video! Braun absolutely loved it and I would recommend this to any of you looking for an awesome gift. It’s a great way to capture your kids at the ages they are now and preserve a little bit of what life is like. This is definitely one of the Father’s Day where we really hit it out of the park! And most importantly, Braun felt awesome and the kids loved spoiling him! If you want a recap of our entire day and how we did this video, you can check out my blog post HERE.
Over the next few days, I’m going to sow you how you can make this on your own, make it look good, and have an incredible gift for the dad in your life – all through some awesome apps on your phone!
And if you haven’t already, you should definitely check out the Nordstrom Half-Yearly Sale because it’s the last day! Here are some of my favorites:
∞ TOPS ∞
∞ BAGS ∞
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And between now and June 10th, you can shop all your favorite Fawn Designs and get 15% OFF when you use my code ‘TARA’! My friend Jenny also just had her bags launch at Nordstrom! But you’re gonna want to shop her site to score your discount on her beautiful bags. Check out my favorites below!
K, last thing, I need your help! If you have any fun summer activities for kids tell me in the comments below! I want my kids to have fun and to stay busy. If you have anything your kids love to do, let me know!
Have a great week!
Xx Tara
Great post!! Did I miss the stories saying which apps to use for the father’s day video? I’ve searched through your highlights but can’t find them. I would LOVE to make one for my husband!
Hey Chelsea, It’s InShot. I’ll be covering it in my stories as well!
Have you done a story yet on making the Father’s Day video?
It was in my stories last night and i’ll continue it today!
Love the purple flowers in front of your house. What kind of flowers are they? Thanks
Hi Tara,
Can you tell me what size you got in the Madewell denim overall dress in this post….. Thanks very much!
Hi Rebecca – That is firewitch dianthus!