Gift Guide for Parents + In-Laws

Some names on my Christmas shopping list are tougher to tackle than others but few trump the parents category. Beyond my own flesh and blood, the parents’ category spans across almost everyone in our lives. There are my actual parents, Braun’s parents, and grandparents. And then there’s the fact that, come a certain age, the word “parent” has now started to encompass our friends who are now creating their own spawn – it’s honestly a never-ending list!

But this list is specifically for your parents and your in-laws. Key in on your parent’s personalities like you would your friends. As for your in-laws, I think I’ve got some gold nuggets on this list that will be helpful for navigating those choppy waters. But most importantly, remember that unless they’re truly clueless, parents of all walks of life are seasoned veterans at politely loving anything you decide to gift them. Bless their hearts – haha


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This list has something for everyone on it – from the picky to the I-love-anything-you-buy-me parents. So take your pick – they’ve all been chosen because, 1. We’ve given them as gifts 2. Own them ourselves, or 3. Bought them this year to give!
Oh yeah, and they can all be delivered before Christmas! Happy gift giving!
Xx Tara

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  1. 12.19.19
    Katie said:

    This list right here!! All of these suggestions are perfect for parents or in laws and beyond. I swear this category is the hardest because they already have “everything”. Thanks Tara! You are the best.