Top Links: October

Am I the only person who feels like it’s only when I have a lot already going on that I decide to throw more on top? That was us this month when the kids had a new fall break that lasted an entire week.

So, we did the only sane thing and decided to hoof it (just kidding, we flew) to Disneyland and spend a few days at the “Happiest Place on Earth.” Although, it doesn’t feel very happy when it’s 10:00 PM and every kid in there is either asleep (Jett), half asleep, or having an epic meltdown because they need to be asleep. If you’re a parent, you know what I’m talking about!

Thankfully, my month started very differently…

…Braun pulled a “I’m in the running for Husband Of The Year” move and booked me a staycation so I could take a couple of breather days – and it was the perfect way to end September and start October!

Kicking Off Fall

October really kicks off the fun/nightmare holiday months! But at least with October, you don’t have the crazy crowds that you do with November and December. We got in some fun activities this month like Lagoon and a surprise breakfast (that apparently I was hosting) thrown by Emery! But it did give me a chance to break in my double waffle maker!


Aside from impromptu breakfasts with 12 yr olds, I also made some changes for myself!

Protecting My Eyes

I recently purchased blue lights glasses and had so many questions about them that I put together a blog post all about blue light. If you haven’t done your own research or purchased any blue light blockers, what I found out was really eye-opening and super scary! It was really alarming for people my age and for kids under 14. It convinced me to get blue light protectors for all of our devices!


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And once I checked eye health off my list of to-dos, I was in need of a change. So I went RED! In my last blog post for 5 Tips For Perfect Fall Hair, changing your hair color is in my top 5! It’s the perfect time to switch it up and make that change you’ve been thinking about. If you’ve been bleaching all summer or have been thinking about giving it the chop, the fall is my favorite time to do it. It’s hair rehab time!


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Disney Xs 2

October was also the month for multiple Disney trips! Layla and I traveled to L.A. for Poppy & Dot and our trips are never complete without at least one afternoon spent with the Mouse!


And of course we tried every macaron in the park! They always have the funnest concoctions at Halloween!

When we headed back down to CA with the whole family, I made sure that we tried them all again. Haha. Our kids were such troopers. Jett was sooo tired that first day – he was falling asleep all over the place! I love how hard they play when we’re at the park. We get back to our hotel and they all just pass out from exhaustion.


Adult Coloring

After many requests I also put together a blog post about where we shop for all of our Disney Duds that you can check out here: Where To Shop For Disney Clothing

One of the things that helps pass the time on our roadtrips and on airplanes are coloring pages. I finally put together a post about the coloring page subscriptions we belong to along with how I use the Procreate app to upload our coloring pages! We have so much fun with this app and it’s nice to have something theraputic to do at the end of a long day!


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The things We Buy

There were so many good sales in October and I know a lot of you got in some early Christmas shopping! I seriously think you guys bought all of QVC’s stock of Barefoot Dreams blankets – haha! That blanket, along with a few other favorites, are worth the splurge. In fact, I put together a list of 10 items I’ve splurged on over the years that are totally worth it!

I mean, I guess if I were a celebrity or minor millionaire, I wouldn’t think twice about the money I spend but with a mortgage and 4 kids, this mom isn’t whooping it up at Barney’s! But over the years,  I’ve been able to invest in some pieces that I’ve really grown to love!

I’m so glad I got to share these items with you but even more excited that you guys found some things you love in the month of October! So without further ado, here are your top 10!

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