Weekly Q & A / Round Up

I thought this week would be a good time to start a weekly Q&A and get some things written down that went on during the last week. It was a fun week. I had to go to Los Angeles for work for a few days. It was a super successful trip and we got a lot of things done. Braun headed out to Chicago the same day I went to LA. Thank heavens for FaceTime right??I came home from that trip to Dash having the worst rash all over his body. Braun took him into the doctor and they said it was just a rash. Didn’t give us anything to help it or any tips. I was super frustrated. Next time, I will definitely take him in 😉 Love husbands but they just aren’t near as thorough! haha. So I went and saw my neighbor who is a doctor and she totally helped us more! Got him on a steroid that is helping him, told us to give him Benadryl and Zyrtec and one other thing. Within a day it was doing much better. Turns out a little sore on his leg had gotten infected and his body had an inflammatory response to it. It was BAD. Not just a little rash. His entire body was covered. Poor dude.

We had lots of family over for Easter. Decorated eggs, had a big old Easter egg hunt, ate pizza… it was great!

We are heading out to Arizona this week for Spring Break and are going to get family pictures done in the big cactus’ there. I haven’t even shopped for a thing. I was thinking this dress for me with these shoes or these ones but I haven’t thought a thing about the kids outfits or Brauns. Or Goldies… haha!

Okay let’s talk about some questions that I got asked about a lot this week! I want to do this weekly so keep your questions coming! 🙂

You got some new recliners in Brauns office! Where are they from?

Okay… we did. We are moving furniture around a bit lately and it is feeling good! Finding new homes for things that don’t feel new anymore has made them feel new again.. make sense? ha! We loved our previous recliners we had in Brauns office but ended up finding ones that are a little cozier… and they are power recliners! They still have that clean mid century/modern look that I love and after Braun has taken a nap in them almost everyday since they arrived, I’d say they were a good purchase. They’re on sale today too!

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What are the digestive enzymes that you take everyday?

So about a year ago I was so sick of feeling like crap after I ate. If you have followed me for awhile you know that I have a lot of food allergies, my main ones are MSG and gluten. Without fail, whenever I ate whether at home or went out to eat it would back me up (TMI, I know..) and I was bloated. A friend of mine brought me some digestive enzymes and told me to eat them before I ate a meal. They are chewable and I just keep it in my purse. Well now that I know how well they work, I keep one in my car, in my medicine cabinet, etc. I get them from HERE!! Use discount code:417258 for 10% off. 

We have a trip coming up, what kind of headphones do your kids use? 

We love these headphones. I didn’t know they made wireless ones though so I just ordered one of these for Anisten. They have held up so great! While we are chatting headphones, this is my favorite iPad case for kids!

Are you gluten and dairy free? If so, what are your typical breakfast and lunch go-to’s? 

I am gluten free (and have been for 7 years now). My little Anisten (9) has to eat dairy free. Dairy has been a big struggle for us to figure out. I feel like I am a pro at the gluten though! My breakfast is either Kodiak Cakes pancakes or Pamelas pancakes, yogurt, fruit or a Premier Protein shake. Caramel Flavor. I HATE protein shakes but these are actually really good. Oh and Bob’s Oatmeal cups are great too. I am super sick of eating them but they are super convenient. Pour a little caramel protein shake into it and it gives it a better flavor. Anisten eats a lot of cereal with almond milk. We recently discovered dairy free yogurt that she loves. I think the brand is SILK. She also does toast with this butter flavored coconut oil and cinnamon on top!

How do I stay in shape??

So I LOVE yoga. It gives me the zen that I crave. I use a few apps at home… Down Dog. Yoga Glow, Yoga Studio and also follow some YouTube videos too (Yoga with Adrienne is great!). I am very active with my kids too. We ride bikes, run around the house, play at the park and have a dance party pretty much every morning!

Another big tip is to drink your weight in water every single day. If you weigh 150 pounds, drink 150 ounces. I have done that my entire life. I live in a really dry climate though and if I don’t drink a lot of water, my skin and hair hate me.

What home security system/cameras do you recommend?

Ooh Braun has worked for a residential security company called Vivint for the past 14 years. They are a nationwide company and they really have the best products out there. I have cameras all over our house. Whenever our doorbell rings it buzzes me on my phone and I can see and talk to whoever is at the door. All the kids have cameras inside their bedrooms that they can push a button on and it rings my phone so we can chat through them. It is an AMAZING product that I really couldn’t live without. If you are interested, send me an email (hello@tarathueson.com) and I will pass it on. I’ll make sure he gives you the friends and family deal. I’m dead serious! He’s been there so long, he can hook you up.

How far apart are your kids in age?

Emery and Anisten are 2 years and 2 months apart. Anisten and Dash are 3 years and 10 months apart. Dash and Jett are 3 years and 7 months apart! 🙂 Clearly the 2 year and 2 months between my first girls was a little rough on me so we waited a little longer on the last 2. Anisten was A HARD HARD baby! Colic and major acid reflux! I wouldn’t wish that on ANYONE!

Your eyelashes are looking so good since you took off your lash extensions! Any tips? 

Ahhhh I really thought I would miss my eyelashes. There have been times that I have missed them but I am alright without them now. I am not saying I won’t have them again but the break has been nice. About 2 months before I got them off, I started using Babe Lash. I had the worst reaction to it though. The whites of my eyes were always bloodshot so I switched to Grande Lash. I LOVE Grande Lash. It has made my lashes so thick and long. Literally, as long as they were with lash extensions!

Mascara – So I also started using a new mascara that I was sent by a friend (@triedandtruemoms) and when she sent it to me, she said “Most mascaras give you raccoon eyes throughout the day, this one doesn’t!” Honestly, I was so skeptical. But it’s true! I think they call it “tube mascara” or something but when you wash your face off at night, it really does come off in long chunks (the length of your lashes) and doesn’t smear under your eyes AT ALL. I can’t recommend it enough and I love that it is at the drugstore and under $10!

What are your last 10 things you bought on Amazon? I really do feel like your past amazon history is basically a look into your soul soooooo I don’t know what these purchases will say about me. haha!


What are your go to shoes everyday? 

Easily the Free People Royale Flat. I have both black and brown.

Anyway, I hope you all are having a great spring break! I am excited to get out of cold Utah for a little bit. I just hope I survive ALLLL the kids fights this week. We aren’t off to a good start and its only day 1!









Leave a Comment

  1. 4.5.18
    Savanna said:

    Just a heads up, your link for the packing cubes goes to the clogs. 🙂

  2. 4.5.18
    Jennifer said:

    I’m a new follower, I know you’ve said you have many food allergies including MSG & gluten. How did you find out you were allergic to them? Other than just feeling bad after to are them, did you do any blood work?

  3. 4.7.18

    Thanks darling xxxbest custom essay

  4. 4.8.18
    tarathueson said:

    Fixed it! Thank you! 🙂

  5. 4.8.18
    tarathueson said:

    Yes, I got blood work done. It is called a blog panel and then did an elimination diet to double check! 🙂

  6. 4.13.18
    Beth said:

    Her buttermilk banana bread recipe is THE BEST!!!!!!

  7. 4.16.18
    chelsee said:

    love your blog and instagram! not related to this post but I saw you in a leopard kimono on stories the other day, do you have a link for it? Thanks!

  8. 4.16.18
    tarathueson said:

    It was an old Poppy and Dot one. We have some cute ones on the way though! 🙂

  9. 4.16.18
    chelsee said:

    awesome can’t wait!!